One Last Portland in 2016 Ad

by Meredith 16. June 2014 07:03

I needed to make one last ad for our Westercon 69 bid (published in the Westercon 67 program book). I had been thinking about it for days, trying to think of something that would be striking in black and white, use images that we already have, and incorporates our logo. I came up with the idea of using keywords from the website and used one of those word cloud generators to pull text from the website text. I then pared the list down and started playing with the layout. It was a bit of random luck when I placed the logo into the document that it got tossed onto the text and I really liked the moon effect it created.







About Meredith Cook

Welcome to my repository of creative expression. I'm not a happy camper unless I am making something and over the years I have dabbled in quite a few different kinds of art projects. Some projects come from taking art classes, others are completely hobby driven, and projects like home decor come from a need to customize an item and make it better or unique. The overall theme behind what I do is to learn how to manipulate objects and practice what I know about visual aesthetic and good design. Oh yeah, and to have fun.
