The code is flying around here, 1s and 0s everywhere!

by Meredith 27. February 2012 15:54

Lots and lots of hours have gone into working on Flip in the last couple of weeks. Hunter and I were reflecting on how we're not playing games together, instead we're making them. I think I am ok with that (at least for a little while longer).

Flip the Bird Status Update

New cross promotional ad for Flip the Bird

by Meredith 16. February 2012 15:59

Been doing lots of graphics work over the past few days for our game. It's been kind of nice to have something to focus on that isn't painting related. :P My body doesn't like sitting in a computer chair for very long and I stayed up waaaaaay too late last night putting this ad together, but hopefully the cross promotional ad will help boost sales of the game and the late nights will pay off in the end.
Also staying up into the weeeee hours of the morning, Hunterhas been plugging away at the programming to-do list and making some good progress. I love seeing the new graphics that I put so many hours into creating get animated on the screen. Cool stuff.

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About Meredith Cook

Welcome to my repository of creative expression. I'm not a happy camper unless I am making something and over the years I have dabbled in quite a few different kinds of art projects. Some projects come from taking art classes, others are completely hobby driven, and projects like home decor come from a need to customize an item and make it better or unique. The overall theme behind what I do is to learn how to manipulate objects and practice what I know about visual aesthetic and good design. Oh yeah, and to have fun.
