Portland in 2016 web content is ready

by Meredith 18. February 2014 15:38


I've spent the last couple of days polishing up the content for the Westercon69 bid page. The webmaster should be updating the site content and design soon. I have learned a lot about Portland that I had no clue was out there. The Chinese Gardens were built after I had moved to Washington and it was a pleasant surprise to discover them. I hope to visit the gardens this summer. I also had no idea about Portland's craft distilleries. Breweries I knew about, but distilleries, I did not. On a sad note, I also learned that the Church of Elvis and the Clinton's Street Theater are closed. No more midnight performances of Rocky.

About Meredith Cook

Welcome to my repository of creative expression. I'm not a happy camper unless I am making something and over the years I have dabbled in quite a few different kinds of art projects. Some projects come from taking art classes, others are completely hobby driven, and projects like home decor come from a need to customize an item and make it better or unique. The overall theme behind what I do is to learn how to manipulate objects and practice what I know about visual aesthetic and good design. Oh yeah, and to have fun.
